Miss Bikini - Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week -- Miami Swim
Miss Bikini - Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week -- Miami Swim - video powered by Metacafe Miss Bikini - Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week -- Miami Swim
TURBO 929 with 380hp running 25psi fastest bike in oz!!!!!!
Lamborghini test drive
Skoda Fabia PD130 TDI - dyno run at 260bhp!... DIESEL?!
Aprilia Stunter
Aprilia Stunter - video powered by Metacafe Stuntin` presentation of new Aprilia SXV 450 V-Twin ! ! !
Triumph Street Triple - First ride
Yenmeniz Gereken 10 Evlilik Fantezisi
doğru beslen kanser olma
Bitki çayları en sık kullandığımız bitkisel ürünlerden. Ancak bitki çaylarını yaparken dikkat edilmesi gereken bazı noktalar var. Çayların tedavi edici etkisini artırabilirsiniz.
İlaç yapımında da kullanılan bitkiler, doğal şifa kaynakları. Bitki çayı hazırlarken özellikle taze kaynamış klorsuz su kullanılmalı. Suyunuzu kaynattıktan sonra bir-iki dakika dinlendirin. Porselen bir demliğe önce, çayını yapacağınız bitkiyi koyun ve üzerine gerekli miktarda su ekleyin. Genellikle 1 tatlı kaşığı kuru veya bir avuç taze ot için dörtte bir litre su kullanmak gerekir. Çayın demlenmesi için 2-5 dakika yeterlidir. Kök bitkilerden çay yapacağınız zaman (zencefil, havlıcan gibi) aynı miktarda su ve bitkiyi birlikte cezveye koyup kaynatma yoluyla çayınızı yapabilirsiniz. Şifalı çay elde edilen şifalı bitkiler IHLAMUR Soğuk algınlığına ve öksürüğe karşı en etkili ve en yaygın olarak kullanılan doğal ilaçlardan biri olan ıhlamur, uykusuzluk, spazm ve kan dolaşımı bozukluklarında da kullanılır. Özellikle akşam saatlerinde fazla içmemeye dikkat etmek gerekir, çünkü fazla miktarda alındığında uykusuzluğa sebep olabilir. Yapraklarında çok miktarda klorofil taşımasından dolayı, kansızlık durumunda kullanılmasında fayda vardır. Diğer çaylarda olduğu gibi ıhlamuru da hazırladığınız zaman için ve bir daha kaynatmayın. Çünkü uzun süre kaynatılıp içilen ıhlamur size yarardan çok zarar verebilir. YOGİ ÇAYI Hintli yogilerin içtiği baharatlı bir çay. Tam da kış mevsimine uygun, yani ısıtıcı. Ayurvedik bir çay yogi çayı ve yoğun baharatların karışımından oluşuyor. Bu çayı hazırlamak için ufak bir tencereye bir parça kabuk tarçın, 4-5 kakule tanesi, 1 ufak kök zencefil, 2 karanfil ve 4-5 adet tane karabiber koyun. Üzerine 2 su bardağı su ilave edip 5 dakika kadar kaynattıktan sonra dilerseniz içine 1 tatlı kaşığı siyah çay ekleyip biraz demlendirip süzün. Dilerseniz sütle karıştırıp için. ISIRGAN Isırgan, birçok rahatsızlığa iyi gelen ve sonbahardan ilkbaharın sonuna kadar bahçelerde bol miktarda yetişen bir ottur. Özellikle metabolizma rahatsızlıklarına, mide, bağırsak, böbrek, romatizma ve gut hastalıklarına iyi gelir. Ayrıca nefrit, sarılık, idrar yolları taşları ve özellikle kansere karşı günde 3-4 fincan ısırganotu çayı çok yararlıdır. Isırgan çayını hazırlamak için kişi başına bir tatlı kaşığı kuru veya bir avuç taze ısırganotu yeterlidir. BİBERİYE Bu güzel kokulu bitkinin kullanılmadığı hastalık yok gibi. Özellikle kan dolaşımı hastalıklarına, romatizma ve astım hastalıklarına, mide ve bağırsak gazlarına karşı kullanıldığı gibi ağır yemeklerden sonra içildiğinde sindirimi kolaylaştırır. Ayrıca bronşit, öksürük, migren, gastrit, başağrısı, ağrılı adet, düşük tansiyon, kabızlık, safra kesesi taşı, ishal ve karaciğer rahatsızlıklarına da birebirdir. Hoş bir tat vermesi açısından biberiye çayına bir parça da kabuk tarçın atabilirsiniz. REZENE Rezene, Ege Bölgesi pazarlarında bahar aylarında bol bulunan bir bitkidir. Rezene çayı özellikle gaz ve kramp ağrılarında, mide ve bağırsak rahatsızlıklarında kullanılır. Özellikle bebeklerin gazlı olduğu zamanlarda sık başvurulan bir ilaçtır rezene çayı. Öksürük ve soğuk algınlıklarında ve çocuklarda boğmaca hastalığı sırasında rezene çayı yararlıdır. Listeyi uzatmak mümkün: Hıçkırık, bulantı, idrar yolları iltihabı, böbrek taşları gibi birçok durumda rezene çayına başvurabiliriz. HİNDİBA Hem salatalarda, hem de haşlanarak zeytinyağı ve limon ilavesiyle kullanılabilen hindiba iyi bir idrar söktürücüdür. Karaciğer hastalarının, romatizmalıların ve şeker hastalarının sofralarının baş köşesine oturtması gereken otlardan biridir hindiba ve bunlardan başka bağırsakları yumuşatır, müzmin romatizma, gut, böbrek ve safra kesesi hastalıklarında yararlıdır. Hindiba köklerinden yapılan kahve iyi bir iştah açıcıdır. Romatizma hastaları ilkbahar ve sonbaharda 4-6 hafta arası sabah ve akşam hindiba çayı içerek kür yapabilirler ve faydasını da hızla görürler. Hindiba çayı hazırlamak için kişi başına 1-2 tatlı kaşığı doğranmış hindiba kullanılır. NANE Nane çayı, mide ve bağırsak gazlarında, bulantı ve kalp çarpıntısında içilir. Sindirim sistemi rahatsızlıklarında, karın ağrısı, ishal, safra kesesi taşı, baş ağrısı, migren, sinüzit, diş ağrısı, halsizlik, bronşit, öksürük gibi rahatsızlıklarda da tedavi edici özelliği olan nane, nefes darlığında da şöyle kullanılabilir: Bir tülbentin üzerine bal konur, üzerine taze veya kuru nane yaprakları serpilir ve yatmadan önce göğüs üzerine bağlanır, sabaha kadar bırakılır. KEKİK Kekik çok güçlü bir antiseptik olarak biliniyor. Kekik yağıln baharatların karışımndan elde edilen timol birçok ilaçta, hatta ameliyatlarda yara temizlemek için kullanılıyor. Eski zamanlarda salgın hastalıklarda kullanılan kekik günümüzde de grip salgınlarında bol bol kullanılmalı. Ve boğmaca olana, öksürene, bronşite yakalanana, midesi rahatsız olana, ishal olana, adet sancısı çekene kekik çayı içirmeli. Böcek sokmalarında deriye sürülerek kullanılan kekik, cilt hastalıklarında da banyo suyuna atılarak kullanılabiliyor. ZENCEFİL Ayurveda ve Çin Tıbbı’nda 5 bin yıldır kullanılan zencefil, ısıtıcı bir ottur. Özellikle metabolizma rahatsızlıklarında temizleyici, düzenleyici ve canlandırıcı bir etkiye sahip. Ayrıca faranjitte, ishal, gaz gibi durumlarda, kan dolaşımını artırmak için, kas hastalıklarında ve romatizmal ağrılarda kullanılıyor. Soğuk algınlıklarında çayını içebilir, öksürük için zencefil, zerdeçal ve bal karışımını sabah ve akşam aç karnına şurup niyetine kullanabilirsiniz. Zencefil canlandırıcı olduğu için akciğerleri temizler, gazı önler ve terlemeyi artırarak cildin de temizlenmesini sağlar. ADAÇAYI Kızılderililerin kutsal bitkisi sayılan adaçayı, Akdeniz yöresinde bol bol yetişir. Antibiyotik ilaç görevi gören adaçayı diş eti rahatsızlıklarında ve boğaz ağrılarında çok yararlıdır. Sinir bozukluğu, baş dönmesi, titremeye iyi gelir ve menopoz döneminde karşılaşılan terlemeyi durdurur. Ayrıca dolaşım sistemi hastalıklarında, tansiyon düşüklüğünde, sindirim sistemi bozukluklarında, psikolojik rahatsızlıklarda, halsizlikte, sinir hastalıklarında da kullanılır. Özellikle boğaz ve ağız içi iltihaplarında günde birkaç defa adaçayıyla hazırlanıp soğutulmuş çayla gargara yapın, iyi geldiğini göreceksiniz. ELMA Elma, besin değeri dışında nefes darlığı ve kalp hastalıklarına karşı koruyucudur. Vücuttan toksinlerin atılmasına yardımcı olur, lifli olduğu için bağırsakları temizler, karaciğerinden şikayet edenler, romatizmalılar ve hatta şeker hastaları bile elmadan faydalanabilirler. Elma yatıştırıcı, uyku vericidir, baş ağrılarına iyi gelir. Taze elma suyu cilde sürüldüğünde dokuları sağlamlaştırır ve teni güzelleştirir. İlkbaharda toplanan elma çiçekleri kurutularak sonbahar ve kış aylarında kaynatılır, göğse ve öksürüğe iyi gelecek bir şurup elde edilir. Kurutulmuş elma parçalarından çay yapabileceğiniz gibi kabuğuyla küçük parçalara böldüğünüz elmaları kaynatarak içine isterseniz limon ve portakal koyarak çay olarak tüketebilirsiniz.
structured settlement
Clean a Mouse with White Paper for Smooth Cursor Movements
An illustrated guide about cleaning a slow and sluggish mouse in 2 seconds with just a piece of white paper.
If you are using an external laser or optical mouse with your laptop or desktop computer, you probably know the problems that surface after using the mouse for couple of weeks - the mouse feels sticky or is hard to move especially when you are using it without the mouse pad, the pointer on the screen may not move smoothly with the mouse or jump.
Most of these mouse problem are because of the dust that sticks to the bottom of the mouse surface at points that are in constant touch with the table or the mouse pad - see the red arrows in the above picture - the white circles are actually made from accumulated dust that is disrupting the smooth movements of the mouse.
To solve this problem, hold the mouse over a piece of white paper and gently (but firmly) drag the mouse from the top edge of the paper to the bottom as shown in the picture below.
You will see a trail of grease like substance on the paper - you can also repeat the process sideways - just move the mouse on paper from left to right. You will enjoy using mouse once again.
The trick is illustrated using Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000 with Intellipoint software but should work just perfect with any mouse including those for the Mac.
The Next Generation Microsoft Office 12
Microsoft Sparkle: Don't throw Flash away yet
Microsoft announced a new product called Expression Sparkle Interactive at PDC 2005 for creating Avalon user interfaces. Sparkle and the Windows Presentation Foundation together are seen as a Flash alternative and Adobe is already taking the Microsoft threat seriously. Sparkle draws much of its inspiration from Macromedia Flash like Timelines, Drawing Tools and Image support. And 3D drawing and animation is one area where Microsoft sparkle has an upper-hand over Macromedia Flash. Sparkle also gives developers the full breadth of programming languages such as C# to add interactivity to their solutions. But Sparkle is designed only to work with Windows Longhorn (read, Vista) which won't be available until late 2006. And it would take much greater time before people actually start buying Windows Vista. That gives Adobe-Macromedia enough time to improve Flash. The ubiquitous lightweight Flash player is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, handheld devices and cellular phones. And Flash Player is free while Sparkle would require users to upgrade to a completely new OS and even new hardware. Sparkle is a very promising technology but it will take years before we start seeing actual Sparkle applications. Till then, it's Flash all the way. If Adobe incroporates 3D features from Adobe After Effects into Macromedia Flash 9, Sparkle will find the going even tougher.
Google gives a fitting reply to Mark Cuban
Google is fast. But it becomes very slow when you have to go to jump between their front page advanced search page in order to date delimit your search. Google doesnt support Topics/Tags. Which means that when you do a search for a keyword and it returns 3k results today, well that same search might return 33k results next year at this time. Google has some nice search delimiters, but self inclusion in a topic by the author is probably the best. And when it comes to subscribing to RSS readers from google competitors like My Yahoo , Newsgator and MSN, icerocket makes it easy. Just click on the icon. Google makes it an ordeal.For reasons known only to Mark, the post has been deleted from Mark's blog. You can still view Mark's reponse in Google's cache.
ISYS Desktop Search Software Review
ISYS Desktop Search Software Review
A Newspaper publisher has several years' worth of newspaper articles in more than 42,000 PDF files. And the company is relying on ISYS software for retrieving information from this vast repository of data (18 GB). The data retrieval is much faster than if they were searching and loading native PDF files. ISYS:Desktop is a comprehensive enterprise-ready desktop search application to search the contents of individual PCs, LANs and WANs. ISYS desktop search software is light-years ahead of competition with several ground-breaking features like Natural Language, Time limited searches, On-the-fly categorization and results clustering, excellent linguistic support, Result Filtering and a Knowledge Warehouse. The software is lightning fast, accurate, intelligent, easy-to-use and enterprise-ready. Highly recommended. While most of the popular tools from MSN, Yahoo! and Google are struggling to find a place on the Enterprise desktops, ISYS already has thousands of clients including Law Enforcement agencies, Attorneys, Federal Government agencies and Financial institutions including Goldman Sachs and Australian Stock Exchange. ISYS:desktop 7 supports more than 30 foreign languages and 140 file formats, including Microsoft Office documents, Internet Cache (IE, Firefox, Netscape), PDF, Outlook PST, Flash (SWF), CHM, ASCII, ZIP, email, attachments, HTML, XML, IFilters, databases (RDBMS via ODBC) and more. You can view file contents even if you don’t have the original application in which the file was created. Documents are indexed at a speed of ~ 40 Mb/min. ISYS:Desktop provides a variety of search methods to quickly retrieve relevant information. The Menu-Assisted Query is like a visual guide for creating complex searches. Command Based and Web-Style Query enables you to construct Boolean searches, date specific, phrase searching and position specific searches. With Natural Language Query, users can phrase their searches in the form of a question. (remember AskJeeves). Search results are displayed in the ISYS:desktop window with a preview pane, and hit-to-hit navigation allows users to jump from one instance of a search term to another, eliminating the need for scrolling. You can attach Hyperlinks, Text notes or Graphical annotations to your indexed documents without modifying the original documents. ISYS:desktop automatically creates categories when indexing, based on metadata, folder names, database table names, and related attributes. Common words (or stop words) like AND, THE, AT, IT which have little meaning are automatically excluded from the index. The Word Wheel feature ("sounds like" or "starts with") suggest spellings or existence of a word in your index. While searching HTML documents, you can view the source code or the rendered document side by side. ISYS allows you to define a Synonym ring containing words with a similar meaning. Say if you create a "Footwear" ring, a search for shoes or sandals will find all synonyms of Footwear. And the Intelligent Agent automatically tracks that meet a certain custom-defined criteria. (reminds me of Blinkx Smart Folder technology) ISYS Product screenshots. Download a 14 day trial. When you install ISYS, you must supply a valid full license code which must also be activated. ISYS Search software is also included in the "The 2005 Software 500" list released by the Software Magazine. The ranking is based on total worldwide software and service revenue for 2004. This includes revenues from software licenses, maintenance and support, training and software-related services and consulting. Dave Haucke of ISYS Search Software provided us a full copy of ISYS:Desktop 7 with ISYS:spider module for this review.Google Adsense Adwords Keyword Arbitrage
If you type "e-mail marketing" into Google's search engine, Bronto Software appears under "sponsored links." Click on that link and the Durham, N.C., software company pays Google $6.50. Bronto spends up to $1,200 daily on Google ads but Bronto executives say it's a worthwhile investment. Bronto knows that 5% of Google searchers who click on a Bronto link seek more information about the company. And 5% of those folks become customers. Bronto has bids in on 800 key words and phrases - from a high of $6.50 per click to as low as $1.75 for "law firm marketing products."Many ads, like Google's search ads, don't cost a dime until someone clicks them. And the Web enables companies to track how much time someone spends with an ad and how many viewers make a purchase. Also attractive to advertisers is that they can set their own price. Multiple companies can choose to run ads tied to the same key words. The more they pay, the higher they appear among the sponsored links.
Mazda RX-7
Subaru Impreza WRX STI
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Nissan Body Kits
Nissan Body Kits
Ground effects, spoiler, and wings and accessories are few among the industry�s offered Nissan Body Kits. Perfect for styling and enhancements to your vehicle�s performance and styling stance, these products make excellent addition to the structural features of your vehicle. With all the necessary hardware required for fitment, they require minimum fuss on installation and fitment. Depending on the model specific design applications, every Nissan body kit brings your vehicle�s navigation and aesthetic features up notch as you take advantage of its well-crafted purpose. Overall, it provides a lasting care to your car body while simply looking great on your vehicle�s distinct form and handling specifications. Under any possible driving conditions, sprucing up your ride with functional Nissan Body Kits is never wrong economy. These guys are engineered to address all possible hassles to driving including unfavorable wind movement offering more stable and better driving control. For high performance applications, they help you make a winning piece out of your Nissan ride by incorporating innovative and revolutionary technologies which are specifically engineered for your vehicle applications. As a great valued investment, having your vehicle equipped with top of the line body kits upgrades the overall performance and looks of your vehicle.Precisely saying, cars are among what delights man. They treat these collections their treasures to cherish, care for, and spend for. Practically saying, purchase of any vehicle entails a lot of money. It is a big investment, so to speak. That is why the maintenance and modification come as a great concern. Having a Nissan vehicle is not a no-no thing. Oftentimes, it is an eye catcher. A lot of auto aficionados and onlookers would always seem to notice your car whether you drive it around or simply park it in your garage Nissan body kits are the simplest yet most necessary additions to your car. They are there to protect, enhance, modify, and create a new look you want your vehicle to project. Without the proper and suited body kits on your Nissan cars, you might be unknowingly running a terrible risk to it. Sure enough, how your car looks matters to you and the more its safety matters to you. So, boost your car�s image, enhance and modify it simply with the right Nissan body kits. Since your Nissan vehicle has been close to your heart, you definitely would want to do everything for its maintenance and good looks. The best is what you would always ask for. With the appropriate Nissan body kits installed in your vehicle, you protect your car from unwanted scratches and likewise give its appearance a boost. As a matter of fact, every car driver would envy those cool-looking vehicles they see around as they cruise the streets. Nissan body kits are made up of several restyling products that vary in styles, sizes, shapes, and makes. Body panel packages as well are offered in the most attractive and interesting packaging. These restyling packages are henceforth designed to provide vehicles an aggressive, exotic, lower to the ground, or higher to the ground appearance. Cool and exciting Nissan body kits include front lower lip, side skirts, rear valance, front lip spoiler, side rockers, rear corner spoilers, rear valance fiberglass, air dams, scoops, fender vents, side splitters, and others. The availability of these body kits is not a problem. A number of online resources transact business online. Shopping for your car parts need not be a hassle to busy people like you. A simple act of navigating through their websites and a peek at their comprehensive catalogues would solve your problems in an instant. For products that highly speak of capability, functionality, safety, and dependability, there are several trusted names of dealers leading the car parts market which could cater to your needs.
Nissan Accessories
Nissan Accessories
To further enjoy the excellent handling characteristics Nissan engineers have designed your vehicle to deliver, you may consider installing premium quality Nissan accessories. As they significantly upgrade the performance of your vehicle, these guys enables your vehicle to acquire the stance of the world�s formidable racing car. Ranging from exhaust, tuning, and highly effective high performance grade engine add-ons, it makes a practical solution in customizing the handling characteristics of your ride. Aside from total performance enhancements, sprucing up your ride is easy and simple with Nissan accessories. Available in precision fitting versions of styling accents, the product gives your vehicle to a much better form without the fuss of reconstruction and complete overhaul. Your engine systems, particularly exhaust system, are commonly overlooked for modifications to achieve the best possible fuel economy. Thanks to the continuously increasing fuel rates, the necessity to economize fuel consumption has been emphasized. Thanks to the continuous efforts of leading manufacturers in developing highly effective and efficient performance add-ons, this issue has been widely covered and addressed. By investing with precision fitting and system compatible add-ons, you can boost combustion efficiency while sustaining smooth operations for powerful engine performance. Aside from the functional; and durability features, Nissan accessories are conveniently available as welcome accents, carefully crafted to offer comfort and distinct styling concepts, they require minimum fuss on fitment and installation. While they simply look good on your ride, they offer tough protection in keeping your vehicle looking and running like new. Available for specific Nissan model applications, every Nissan accessory is crafted within highest standards for product specifications. As a product of time and application tested technology, it is a sure fire solution in enabling your vehicle to reach its peak performance. With high grade and durable constructions, the product yields longer life efficiency and reliable service enabling you to enjoy unmatched handling characteristics with a reconstructed feel for years to come. Go on and take advantage of the performance and styling edge offered by Nissan accessories. Seal premium deals with us to complete your tuning and styling project needs right at your fingertips. Nissan Motor Company is an experienced automaker which has enjoyed much of its stay in the automotive industry reaping the fruits of its success. Apparently, all of the vehicles introduced by the firm are well-appreciated and welcomed by the buying public. Such is proved by the top-notch sales in the business as incurred by the various vehicles under Nissan�s fleet. In its successful experience in the car parts industry as well, top quality Nissan accessories are expertly provided for the satisfaction of the consumers. Nissan accessories are ensured to be crafted to be durable and reliable. When it comes to purchasing Nissan automotive accessories, a number of trusted names of stores and Nissan accessories dealers are conducting business transactions online. With the easy to contact hotlines and amiable staff, orders will never be too complicated. Moreover, with the easy to navigate online catalogues one could hassle-free browse through their library of available top quality Nissan accessories and be kept abreast of the products which are being offered.Due to the company�s dedication and commitment to customer service and satisfaction, all models of Nissan vehicles are provided with the apt and tough accessories that would truly bring out the best in them. In line are Nissan 200 SX, Nissan 210, Nissan 240, Nissan 280, Nissan 300, Nissan 310, Nissan 350Z, Nissan 510, Nissan 810, Altima, Axxess Mini Van, Frontier, Pathfinder, Patrol, Pickup, Prelude, Pulsar, Pulsar NX, Quest Mini Van, Sentra, Stanza, Terrano, Titan, Van, and Xterra. Accessories in wide array are the covers, floor mats, gauges, shifter knobs, sun shields, wood trim, aluminum antenna, hyper ground system, protective films, sun shades, billet grilles, radiator cooling plates, garage floor protection, car bras, heat shields, flectors, license plate frame, steering wheel covers, and the likes. Accessorizing your vehicle is not a burden only when you know whom to trust and what to use. Enhance your Nissan vehicles� potentials and bring out the best in them with the accessories that would best suit them. Get only the best accessories and purchase the package that bests affirm your Nissan�s identity.
Nissan Throttle Body Spacers
Nissan Throttle Body Spacers
Versatile, powerful, and affordable cars�those are the characteristics of Nissan vehicles that have gained a rock solid reputation in the car industry for more than three decades now. Nissan has launched several car models that have really warmed the hearts and budget of their clients throughout the years that it has stayed in the business. Currently, Nissan has evolved into a powerful and dominant force in the field of automotives because they are one of the most trusted, relied upon and sought after brands in the automotive market. Some of the recent Nissan models include the Pathfinder, Frontier, Titan, Xterra, Altima, Murano, Maxima, and Sentra that are carrying the marks of luxury and quality of the original Nissan models.There are a lot of ways in improving the over all performance of your Nissan vehicle. One of these is by installing high quality Nissan Throttle Body Spacers. The air/fuel intake of your vehicle will definitely be improved by the Nissan Throttle Body Spacers installed under the carburetor. In just a matter of minutes, an immediate power difference of up to 18 horsepower and 25 foot per pound gain in torque will be felt because the Nissan Throttle Body Spacers allow higher inflow and outflow of air. Improve the throttle response of your vehicle by investing in top of the line Nissan Throttle Body Spacers. In as little as half an hour, you can easily set up your Nissan Throttle Body Spacer within your vehicle. Order from our reliable online store and browse our widest selections of Nissan Throttle Body Spacers along other auto parts and accessories. You can place your orders through our online order form or through dialing our toll free hotline number. Well-equipped customers representatives are always on standby, ready to take your call. Make a wise investment! Experience a hassle free online shopping at our site�absolutely guaranteed! Throttle body spacers have caused quite a stir among vehicle owners, especially of trucks and SUVs. Proponents of the throttle body spacer all claim that this part offers significant benefits and enhancements in a vehicle�s performance. The vaunted benefits of the throttle body spacer include increased horsepower, enhanced torque and better fuel economy. But first, for the uninformed let us describe what throttle body spacers are. They are actually accessories you can add to your vehicle�s air/fuel intake are. They take the form of spacer plates that are installed under the carburetor to improve the intake manifold�s plenum volume and power. When installed, throttle body spacers can instantly add the following benefits to the vehicle: a gain in engine output up to 18 horsepower, an increase in fuel economy by up to four miles per gallon and a 25 foot per pound gain in torque. The throttle body spacer achieves this by improving the vacuum response of the TBI or carburetor. The throttle body spacer can also increase the overall performance and throttle response by preventing the air-fuel mixture from hitting the bottom of the intake manifold and scattering. Throttle body spacers are relatively easy to install and can be easily set up within the vehicle in as little as half an hour. If you want to enhance the horsepower and torque output of your Nissan vehicle, then a throttle bed spacer is an excellent choice. Here at Nissan Parts and Accessories, we have high quality Nissan throttle bed spacers ready to be delivered as soon as you order. Throttle body spacers for Nissan is a great investment for it will not only improve your Nissan�s performance it will also help you save up on fuel costs. Our top-notch throttle bed spacers come from renowned makers of performance accessories. Order our top quality Nissan throttle bed spacers now and enjoy enhanced performance and fuel economy.
History of the brand Nissan SkylineGTR
History of the brand
The Skyline name originated with the Prince automobile company which developed and sold the Skyline line of sedans before merging with Nissan-Datsun. The GT-R abbreviation stands for Gran Turismo Racer, with the word Racer being separated to enhance the performance version, as the GT-B stands for Gran Turismo Berlinetta. The Japanese chose to use English as their first language when naming the car, as most cars made in Japan at that time used American abbreviation to further enhance sales. The earliest predecessor of the GT-R, the S54 2000 GT-B, came second in its first race in 1964 to the purpose-built Porsche 904 GTS. The next development of the GT-R, the 4-door PGC10 2000 GT-R , later to be superseded by the 2-door KPGC10 version, scored 33 victories in the one and a half years it raced and by the time it attempted its 50th consecutive win, its run was ended by a Mazda Savanna RX-3. The car took 1000 victories by the time it was discontinued in 1972. The last of the original GT-Rs, the KPGC110 2000GT-R, used an unchanged S20 160 hp (120 kW) inline-6 engine from the earlier 2000 GT-R and only sold 197 units due to the worldwide energy crisis. This model was the only GT-R to never participate in a race despite only having one built which now resides in Nissan's former factory turned storage unit for historical cars in Zama. The Skyline model continued into the 1990s when it became popular largely because it remained rear wheel drive, while most other manufacturers' models were front wheel drive (which had certain complexities inherent in achieving high performance in power or handling when compared to a rear-wheel drive car). After a 16 year hiatus, from the KPGC110 Skyline GT-R of 1973, the GT-R version of the Skyline was reintroduced with the eighth generation Skyline R32 in 1989. The GT-R became the flagship of Nissan performance, showcasing many advanced technologies, including the ATTESA-ETS system (a hydraulic on-demand four-wheel drive) and Super-HICAS (four-wheel steering). The 1989- GT-Rs remained (relatively) cheap, with a list-price of ¥ 4.5 million (about US$ 31,000). GT-R Skylines of the 1990s progressed from the R32 (1989), through to the R34 (1999). Production of the GT-R ceased in August 2002. Although Nissan continued the Skyline name with the release of the Infiniti G35 (sold as the Nissan Vitesse/Skyline in Japan), a new GT-R has not yet been released. Throughout its lifetime, various special editions, containing additional performance-enhancing modifications, were released by Nissan and its performance division Nismo (Nissan Motorsport).Nissan Skyline GTR
Cane Corso Champions
Italian Champions American Champions
We currently have a database of breed club champions in Italy and the United States and are working on adding Cane Corso Champions around the world.
Cane Corso Puppies
The Cane Corso breeders and their litter of puppies featured for sale on this page is a paid advertisement. CaneCorso.com does not make any breeder recommendations and all puppy buyers are strongly encouraged to do their due diligence plus visit the CaneCorsoBBB.com before making a decision to purchase a puppy. We hope that all Cane Corso puppy buyers contribute to the future success and well-being of the Cane Corso breed by following our do's and don'ts:
DO consider purchasing a puppy from a reputable breeder - start with the CCAA Breeders Guild.
DO consider fostering and/or adopting a puppy or adult from a reputable rescue organization.
DON'T go to a pet store to buy a Cane Corso puppy - in fact, don't shop there if they sell puppies!
DON'T look in the classified ads for a Cane Corso puppy, a sign of a "backyard breeder."
If you are a breeder and would like to advertise your litter of puppies on this page, please click here.
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+1 (505) 281-5536
CCAA Club Member |
Tristan OFA-Good |
Chinga OFA-Good | Litter due late March 2007. Expecting black and brindle puppies. About Time puppies come with a written and signed contract and guarantee covering health, hips, temperament and type, and DOES NOT require the return of your puppy for a replacement/refund. About Time puppies come with tails and dewclaws removed, vaccinations, worming, microchip, and registration thru FCPR, ICCF, and AKC-FSS. About Time pups are guaranteed a home for life with us if at any point for ay reason they are unable to be kept. | ||
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+1 (608) 372-2648
CCAA Club Member | Daybreak's Ulysses CGC TDI PennHIP 90th percentile | Electra del Morgan (a.k.a. "Luna") CGC
| Born January 11, 2007 5 males, 5 females
Available: Roscoe (brindle male)
Daybreak Cane Corso Info Package (includes registration, pedigree, PennHIP and OFA evaluations, CGC certificates, IABCA show certificates and agreement) | ||
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+1 (916) 408-5500
CCAA Breeders Guild Member
CCAA Club Member |
#1 Rarities CC in 2004 6xBIS BOS-S ICCF ARBA Master IABCA Rarities Gr. Int. Ch. Romeo del Morgan CGC TDI TT WC |
Cane Corso Working
Agility - Flyball - Herding - Irondog - Obedience - Police Work/Protection/Ring/Schutzhund
Search & Rescue - Temperament Testing - Therapy - Tracking - Weight Pulling
CaneCorsoWorking.com is dedicated to provide recognition for the Cane Corsos and their owners who either maintain the true working characteristics of the original Cane Corso or who participate in sports, working events, temperament testing, therapy work and any type of activity that promotes the well-being and maintains the working qualities in the Cane Corso. We invite you to view our collection of photos and video to showcase the Cane Corso at work!
Here are links to:
Cane Corso Standard
Cane Corso AKC Standard | English | |||
FCI Standard No. 343 | Italiano | |||
English | ||||
Czech | ||||
Español | ||||
Français | ||||
Portuguese | ||||
ENCI Standard del Cane Corso | Italiano | |||
Español | ||||
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Standard Cane Corso 2003 | Italiano | |||
English | ||||
| Enhanced with AICC Proposals |
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