15 Temmuz 2007 Pazar

Yenmeniz Gereken 10 Evlilik Fantezisi

Birini onunla evlenecek kadar çok sevdiğinizde duygularınız mantığınızın önüne geçer. Artık bir masal dünyasında yaşamaya başlarsınız ve bunun sonsuza dek böyle süreceğini düşünürsünüz. Fakat eninde sonunda gerçek dünyaya geri dönmek zorunda kalırsınız. Sevdiğinizden başka şeyler de düşünmeye, arkadaşlarınıza ve işinize daha çok zaman ayırmaya, gerçek aşkınız, biricik sevgilinizle ise; banyodaki kıllar üzerine tartışmaya başlarsınız. Gerçekler her zaman üstün gelir, bunu böyle kabul etmelisiniz. Fantezi 1: Birbirinizin ilgilendiği şeyle paylaşacaksınız. Gerçek: Altı futbol maçından sonra ofsaytın ne olduğunu ve aslında bunu hiç bir zaman bilmek istemeyeceğinizi anlayacaksınız. Aynı şekilde birlikte alışverişe gittiğinizde o da söylenip duracak. Fantezi 2: Hayatınız boyunca yemeğe çıktığınızda masanın altında birbirinizi ayaklarını okşayacaksınız. Gerçek: Zaman zaman garsonun gelmesini beklerken el ele tutuşacaksınız. Fantezi 3: Ne olursa olsun bir anlaşmaya varacaksınız. Gerçek: Bazı şeyleri olduğu gibi kabul etmelisiniz. Mesela asla anneniz hakkında iyi şeyler düşünmeyecek. Siz de onunki hakkında... Fantezi 4: Herhangi biriniz iş için uzakta olduğunda birbirinizi günde iki kez arayacaksınız. Gerçek: Birbirinizi ne kadar arayacağınız tamamen cep telefonunuzun son faturasına ya da ne kadar kontörü kaldığına bağlı. Fantezi 5: Beraber yemek pişireceksiniz, İspanyolca kurslarına gideceksin ve dans dersleri alacaksınız. Gerçek: Beraber kaytaracaksınız. Fantezi 6: Mutlaka gece üçlere kadar sohbet ettiğiniz zamanlar olacak. Gerçek: Mutlaka gece üçlere kadar kavga ettiğiniz zamanlar olacak. Fantezi 7: Cumartesinin ıvır zıvır işlerini daima birlikte yapacaksınız. Gerçek: "Cumartesi sabahı niye ev alışverişi yaptığımızı sorabilir miyim?" Fantezi 8: Daima birbirinize her şeyi anlatacaksınız. Gerçek: Ayağınızdaki ayakkabının gerçek fiyatı gibi, kavga etmenizi önleyecek bazı şeyleri saklayacaksınız. Fantezi 9: Birbirinizi bir kitap gibi okuyacaksınız. Gerçek: Bu kitap Türkçe"ye çevrilmemiş bir versiyon olacak. Fantezi 10: Asla birbirinize verdiğiniz değer azalmayacak. Gerçek: "Bir şey mi dedin tatlım?"

doğru beslen kanser olma

İstanbul Üniversitesi Onkoloji Enstitüsü Müdürü ve Sağlık Bakanlığı Alternatif ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp Danışma Birimi Başkanı Prof. Dr. Erkan Topuz; meme kanserinden korunma yollarıyla ilgili sorularımızı yanıtladı: * Ailesinde meme kanseri veya kolon kanseri olan bir kişi önleyici olarak ne yapmalı? Kilo almayarak, spor yaparak, yağlı gıdalar tüketmeyerek, alkol, sigara ve kırmızı etten kaçarak işe başlayabilir. Ayrıca koruyucu bazı gıdalardan destek almalı. Hormonlu gıdalardan uzak durması şart. Yoğurt, yağsız beyaz peynir ve çökelek tercih edilmeli. Kalsiyumlu gıdaları almak ve günde bir adet 100 miligram aspirin kullanmak da koruyucu olur. Kadınlarda böyle bir risk varsa, hormondan uzak durmak ve doğum kontrol hapları kullanmamak önemlidir. HORMONSUZ BESLENİN * Meme kanserinde beslenmenin etkisi ne kadar? Korunmada ve tedavi sırasında büyük etkisi var. Ailesinde meme kanseri öyküsü bulunan biri ömür boyu doğru beslenerek yüzde 60 oranında bu riski azaltabilir. 20 yaşından sonra doğru beslenmeye başlarsa yüzde 20 oranında bu kanserden korunur. * Meme kanseri hastalarına doğru beslenmeyle ilgili ipuçları verebilir misiniz? Meme kanseri olanların sütten kaçınması gerekir. Buna karşılık özellikle probiyotik yoğurt ve ev yoğurdu en önemli kanser koruyucularından biridir. Günde yarım kilo evde yapılan yani içinde bakteri içeren yoğurt; hem kanserden korunmada, hem de kanser tedavisi sırasında en faydalı gıdalardan biridir. Yağsız keçi peyniri, çökelek ve çökelek suyu, hatta evde yapılan peynir suyu da kanserden korunmada ve kanser tedavisi sırasında çok faydalıdır. Meme kanserinde yoğurdun, riskin azalması ile ilişkili olduğu bilimsel olarak tesbit edilmiştir. Fransız ve Hollandalılar'ın gerçekleştirdiği araştırmada; yoğurt yiyenlerde meme kanserinde yüzde 50'lik risk azalması bulunmuştur. Yoğurt, kanserden korunmada çok etkilidir. Ancak koruyucu olarak çok etkili olan yoğurt, bağırsaktan emilimi olan bazı ilaçların etkisini engelleyebilir. KANSERİN SUÇLUSU BİZİZ! * Doğru beslenme meme kanseri için etkili mi? Alternatif ve tamamlayıcı tıp, özellikle genetik kökenli kanserler üzerinde etkili. Tabiat devamlı zehirlendiği için kanser oranı günden güne artıyor. Tamamlayıcı tıbbın en önemli rolü kanseri ama özellikle de kalıtsal kanserleri önlemek; meme kanseri, kolon kanseri ve prostat kanseri gibi... Ailesinde ve genetiğinde bu tip kanser olanların çocuk yaştan itibaren diyete girmesi gerekir; işte tamamlayıcı tıp da burada başlar. Çünkü her aldığımız gıdada, giydiğimiz çamaşırda kanser riskini tetikleyici şeyler bulunuyor. Her yıl 15 milyon kişi kansere yakalanıyor ve bunun da sebebi çevre şartları. Beyaz un, beyaz şeker, aldığımız bütün konserveler, salam, sosis ve hazır meyve sularındaki bütün katkı maddeleri kanser nedeni. Meyve sebzelere verilen hormon ve inorganik gübreler kanserin hazırlayıcısı. Onun için biz ne yaparsak yapalım kanser dünyada hızla artacaktır. Çünkü biz dünyayı zehirliyoruz. Bu kanserojen maddeler DNA'da kırılmaya neden oluyor. * Sebzeler kanser ilacı gibi kullanılıyor; peki sizce çiğ besinler mi daha yararlı pişmiş besinler mi? Popüler internet siteleri, meyve sularının yanında çiğ besinlerin de propagandasını yapıyor. Birçok hasta da pişirmenin besinlerin değerini azaltacağına ve çiğ besinlerin hastalıklarını kontrol etmede en iyi yöntem olduğuna inanıyor. Oysa çiğ besinlerin faydaları henüz bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmadı. Bakterileri öldürmek ve hazmı kolaylaştırmak için besinleri pişirmek gerekiyor. Kanser hastası; yumuşak, çiğnenmesi ve sindirimi kolay besinlere ihtiyaç duyar.


Bitki çayları en sık kullandığımız bitkisel ürünlerden. Ancak bitki çaylarını yaparken dikkat edilmesi gereken bazı noktalar var. Çayların tedavi edici etkisini artırabilirsiniz.

Bitki çayları en sık kullandığımız bitkisel ürünlerden. Ancak bitki çaylarını yaparken dikkat edilmesi gereken bazı noktalar var. Çayların tedavi edici etkisini artırabilirsiniz.

İlaç yapımında da kullanılan bitkiler, doğal şifa kaynakları. Bitki çayı hazırlarken özellikle taze kaynamış klorsuz su kullanılmalı. Suyunuzu kaynattıktan sonra bir-iki dakika dinlendirin. Porselen bir demliğe önce, çayını yapacağınız bitkiyi koyun ve üzerine gerekli miktarda su ekleyin. Genellikle 1 tatlı kaşığı kuru veya bir avuç taze ot için dörtte bir litre su kullanmak gerekir. Çayın demlenmesi için 2-5 dakika yeterlidir. Kök bitkilerden çay yapacağınız zaman (zencefil, havlıcan gibi) aynı miktarda su ve bitkiyi birlikte cezveye koyup kaynatma yoluyla çayınızı yapabilirsiniz. Şifalı çay elde edilen şifalı bitkiler IHLAMUR Soğuk algınlığına ve öksürüğe karşı en etkili ve en yaygın olarak kullanılan doğal ilaçlardan biri olan ıhlamur, uykusuzluk, spazm ve kan dolaşımı bozukluklarında da kullanılır. Özellikle akşam saatlerinde fazla içmemeye dikkat etmek gerekir, çünkü fazla miktarda alındığında uykusuzluğa sebep olabilir. Yapraklarında çok miktarda klorofil taşımasından dolayı, kansızlık durumunda kullanılmasında fayda vardır. Diğer çaylarda olduğu gibi ıhlamuru da hazırladığınız zaman için ve bir daha kaynatmayın. Çünkü uzun süre kaynatılıp içilen ıhlamur size yarardan çok zarar verebilir. YOGİ ÇAYI Hintli yogilerin içtiği baharatlı bir çay. Tam da kış mevsimine uygun, yani ısıtıcı. Ayurvedik bir çay yogi çayı ve yoğun baharatların karışımından oluşuyor. Bu çayı hazırlamak için ufak bir tencereye bir parça kabuk tarçın, 4-5 kakule tanesi, 1 ufak kök zencefil, 2 karanfil ve 4-5 adet tane karabiber koyun. Üzerine 2 su bardağı su ilave edip 5 dakika kadar kaynattıktan sonra dilerseniz içine 1 tatlı kaşığı siyah çay ekleyip biraz demlendirip süzün. Dilerseniz sütle karıştırıp için. ISIRGAN Isırgan, birçok rahatsızlığa iyi gelen ve sonbahardan ilkbaharın sonuna kadar bahçelerde bol miktarda yetişen bir ottur. Özellikle metabolizma rahatsızlıklarına, mide, bağırsak, böbrek, romatizma ve gut hastalıklarına iyi gelir. Ayrıca nefrit, sarılık, idrar yolları taşları ve özellikle kansere karşı günde 3-4 fincan ısırganotu çayı çok yararlıdır. Isırgan çayını hazırlamak için kişi başına bir tatlı kaşığı kuru veya bir avuç taze ısırganotu yeterlidir. BİBERİYE Bu güzel kokulu bitkinin kullanılmadığı hastalık yok gibi. Özellikle kan dolaşımı hastalıklarına, romatizma ve astım hastalıklarına, mide ve bağırsak gazlarına karşı kullanıldığı gibi ağır yemeklerden sonra içildiğinde sindirimi kolaylaştırır. Ayrıca bronşit, öksürük, migren, gastrit, başağrısı, ağrılı adet, düşük tansiyon, kabızlık, safra kesesi taşı, ishal ve karaciğer rahatsızlıklarına da birebirdir. Hoş bir tat vermesi açısından biberiye çayına bir parça da kabuk tarçın atabilirsiniz. REZENE Rezene, Ege Bölgesi pazarlarında bahar aylarında bol bulunan bir bitkidir. Rezene çayı özellikle gaz ve kramp ağrılarında, mide ve bağırsak rahatsızlıklarında kullanılır. Özellikle bebeklerin gazlı olduğu zamanlarda sık başvurulan bir ilaçtır rezene çayı. Öksürük ve soğuk algınlıklarında ve çocuklarda boğmaca hastalığı sırasında rezene çayı yararlıdır. Listeyi uzatmak mümkün: Hıçkırık, bulantı, idrar yolları iltihabı, böbrek taşları gibi birçok durumda rezene çayına başvurabiliriz. HİNDİBA Hem salatalarda, hem de haşlanarak zeytinyağı ve limon ilavesiyle kullanılabilen hindiba iyi bir idrar söktürücüdür. Karaciğer hastalarının, romatizmalıların ve şeker hastalarının sofralarının baş köşesine oturtması gereken otlardan biridir hindiba ve bunlardan başka bağırsakları yumuşatır, müzmin romatizma, gut, böbrek ve safra kesesi hastalıklarında yararlıdır. Hindiba köklerinden yapılan kahve iyi bir iştah açıcıdır. Romatizma hastaları ilkbahar ve sonbaharda 4-6 hafta arası sabah ve akşam hindiba çayı içerek kür yapabilirler ve faydasını da hızla görürler. Hindiba çayı hazırlamak için kişi başına 1-2 tatlı kaşığı doğranmış hindiba kullanılır. NANE Nane çayı, mide ve bağırsak gazlarında, bulantı ve kalp çarpıntısında içilir. Sindirim sistemi rahatsızlıklarında, karın ağrısı, ishal, safra kesesi taşı, baş ağrısı, migren, sinüzit, diş ağrısı, halsizlik, bronşit, öksürük gibi rahatsızlıklarda da tedavi edici özelliği olan nane, nefes darlığında da şöyle kullanılabilir: Bir tülbentin üzerine bal konur, üzerine taze veya kuru nane yaprakları serpilir ve yatmadan önce göğüs üzerine bağlanır, sabaha kadar bırakılır. KEKİK Kekik çok güçlü bir antiseptik olarak biliniyor. Kekik yağıln baharatların karışımndan elde edilen timol birçok ilaçta, hatta ameliyatlarda yara temizlemek için kullanılıyor. Eski zamanlarda salgın hastalıklarda kullanılan kekik günümüzde de grip salgınlarında bol bol kullanılmalı. Ve boğmaca olana, öksürene, bronşite yakalanana, midesi rahatsız olana, ishal olana, adet sancısı çekene kekik çayı içirmeli. Böcek sokmalarında deriye sürülerek kullanılan kekik, cilt hastalıklarında da banyo suyuna atılarak kullanılabiliyor. ZENCEFİL Ayurveda ve Çin Tıbbı’nda 5 bin yıldır kullanılan zencefil, ısıtıcı bir ottur. Özellikle metabolizma rahatsızlıklarında temizleyici, düzenleyici ve canlandırıcı bir etkiye sahip. Ayrıca faranjitte, ishal, gaz gibi durumlarda, kan dolaşımını artırmak için, kas hastalıklarında ve romatizmal ağrılarda kullanılıyor. Soğuk algınlıklarında çayını içebilir, öksürük için zencefil, zerdeçal ve bal karışımını sabah ve akşam aç karnına şurup niyetine kullanabilirsiniz. Zencefil canlandırıcı olduğu için akciğerleri temizler, gazı önler ve terlemeyi artırarak cildin de temizlenmesini sağlar. ADAÇAYI Kızılderililerin kutsal bitkisi sayılan adaçayı, Akdeniz yöresinde bol bol yetişir. Antibiyotik ilaç görevi gören adaçayı diş eti rahatsızlıklarında ve boğaz ağrılarında çok yararlıdır. Sinir bozukluğu, baş dönmesi, titremeye iyi gelir ve menopoz döneminde karşılaşılan terlemeyi durdurur. Ayrıca dolaşım sistemi hastalıklarında, tansiyon düşüklüğünde, sindirim sistemi bozukluklarında, psikolojik rahatsızlıklarda, halsizlikte, sinir hastalıklarında da kullanılır. Özellikle boğaz ve ağız içi iltihaplarında günde birkaç defa adaçayıyla hazırlanıp soğutulmuş çayla gargara yapın, iyi geldiğini göreceksiniz. ELMA Elma, besin değeri dışında nefes darlığı ve kalp hastalıklarına karşı koruyucudur. Vücuttan toksinlerin atılmasına yardımcı olur, lifli olduğu için bağırsakları temizler, karaciğerinden şikayet edenler, romatizmalılar ve hatta şeker hastaları bile elmadan faydalanabilirler. Elma yatıştırıcı, uyku vericidir, baş ağrılarına iyi gelir. Taze elma suyu cilde sürüldüğünde dokuları sağlamlaştırır ve teni güzelleştirir. İlkbaharda toplanan elma çiçekleri kurutularak sonbahar ve kış aylarında kaynatılır, göğse ve öksürüğe iyi gelecek bir şurup elde edilir. Kurutulmuş elma parçalarından çay yapabileceğiniz gibi kabuğuyla küçük parçalara böldüğünüz elmaları kaynatarak içine isterseniz limon ve portakal koyarak çay olarak tüketebilirsiniz.
6 Temmuz 2007 Cuma

structured settlement

A structured settlement is a financial or insurance arrangement, including periodic payments, that a claimant accepts to resolve a personal injury tort claim or to compromise a statutory periodic payment obligation. Structured settlements were first utilized in Canada and the United States during the 1970s as an alternative to lump sum settlements. Structured settlements are now part of the statutory tort law of several common law countries including: Australia, Canada, England and the United States. Although some uniformity exists, each of these countries has its own definitions, rules and standards for structured settlement. Structured settlements may include income tax and spendthrift requirements as well as benefits. Structured settlement payments are sometimes called “periodic payments”. A structured settlement incorporated into a trial judgment is called a “periodic payment judgment”. Structured Settlements in the United States The United States has enacted structured settlement laws and regulations at both the federal and state levels. Federal structured settlement laws include sections of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. State structured settlement laws include structured settlement protection statutes and periodic payment of judgment statutes. Medicaid and Medicare laws and regulations impact structured settlements. To preserve a claimant’s Medicare and Medicaid benefits, structured settlement payments may be incorporated into “Medicare Set Aside Arrangements” the “Special Needs Trusts”. [edit] Definitions The United States definition of “structured settlement” for Federal income taxation purposes, found in Internal Revenue Code Section 5891(c)(1), is an "arrangement" that meets the following requirements: * A structured settlement must be established by: o A suit or agreement for periodic payment of damages excludable from gross income under Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2); or o An agreement for the periodic payment of compensation under any workers’ compensation law excludable under Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(1); and * The periodic payments must be of the character described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of Internal Revenue Code Section 130(c)(2) and must be payable by a person who: o Is a party to the suit or agreement or to a workers' compensation claim; or o By a person who has assumed the liability for such periodic payments under a Qualified Assignment in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 130. Legal Structure The typical structured settlement arises and is structured as follows: An injured party (the claimant) settles a tort suit with the defendant (or its insurance carrier) pursuant to a settlement agreement that provides that, in exchange for the claimant's securing the dismissal of the lawsuit, the defendant (or, more commonly, its insurer) agrees to make a series of periodic payments over time. The insurer, a property/casualty insurance company, thus finds itself with a long-term payment obligation to the claimant. To fund this obligation, the property/casualty insurer generally takes one of two typical approaches: It either purchases an annuity from a life insurance company (an arrangement called a "buy and hold" case) or it assigns (or, more properly, delegates) its periodic payment obligation to a third party which in turn purchases an annuity (which arrangement is called an "assigned case"). In an unassigned case, the property/casualty insurer retains the periodic payment obligation and funds it by purchasing an annuity from a life insurance company, thereby offsetting its obligation with a matching asset. The payment stream purchased under the annuity matches exactly, in timing and amounts, the periodic payments agreed to in the settlement agreement. The property/casualty company owns the annuity and names the claimant as the payee under the annuity, thereby directing the annuity issuer to send payments directly to the claimant. If any of the periodic payments are life-contingent (i.e., the obligation to make a payment is contingent on someone continuing to be alive), then the claimant (or whoever is determined to be the measuring life) is named as the annuitant or measuring life under the annuity. In an assigned case, the property/casualty company does not wish to retain the long-term periodic payment obligation on its books. Accordingly, the property/casualty insurer transfers the obligation, through a legal device called a qualified assignment, to a third party. The third party, called an assignment company, will require the property/casualty company to pay it an amount sufficient to enable it to buy an annuity that will fund its newly accepted periodic payment obligation. If the claimant consents to the transfer of the periodic payment obligation (either in the settlement agreement or, failing that, in a special form of qualified assignment known as a qualified assignment and release), the defendant and/or its property/casualty company has no further liability to make the periodic payments. This method of substituting the obliger is desirable for property/casualty companies that do not want to retain the periodic payment obligation on their books. Typically, an assignment company is an affiliate of the life insurance company from which the annuity is purchased. An assignment is said to be "qualified" if it satisfies the criteria set forth in Internal Revenue Code Section 130 [1]. Qualification of the assignment is important to assignment companies because without it the amount they receive to induce them to accept periodic payment obligations would be considered income for federal income tax purposes. If an assignment qualifies under Section 130, however, the amount received is excluded from the income of the assignment company. This provision of the tax code was enacted to encourage assigned cases; without it, assignment companies would owe federal income taxes but would typically have no source from which to make the payments.


Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos.[1] In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and chest cavity), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity) or the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart). Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways, such as by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos, or by home renovation using asbestos cement products. Unlike lung cancer, there is no association between mesothelioma and smoking [2].


Nomenclature The following closely related terms may be used to designate abnormal growths: * Neoplasm: a scientific term which refers to an abnormal proliferation of genetically altered cells. * Malignant neoplasm: synonymous with cancer. * Tumor: broadly defined, can be any swelling or mass. However, the vast majority of entities referred to as 'tumors' in common usage are in fact neoplasms. Specifically, a tumor is a solid neoplasm; some neoplasms, such as cancers of the blood, are not solid. * Benign tumor: a tumor (solid neoplasm) that has self-limiting growth and does not invade other tissues nor metastasize. Usually not cancerous. * Pre-malignancy: A non-invasive neoplasm that may not form an obvious mass, but has the potential to progress to cancer if left untreated. Pre-malignant neoplasms may show distinctive microscopic changes such as dysplasia or atypia. Cancers are classified by the type of cell that resembles the tumor and, therefore, the tissue presumed to be the origin of the tumor. Examples of general categories include: * Carcinoma: Malignant tumors derived from epithelial cells. This group represents the most common cancers, including the common forms of breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer. * Sarcoma: Malignant tumors derived from connective tissue, or mesenchymal cells. * Lymphoma and leukemia: Malignancies derived from hematopoetic (blood-forming) cells * Germ cell tumor: Tumors derived from totipotent cells. In adults most often found in the testicle and ovary; in fetuses, babies, and young children most often found on the body midline, particularly at the tip of the tailbone; in horses most often found at the poll (base of the skull). * Blastic tumor: A tumor (usually malignant) which resembles an immature or embryonic tissue. Many of these tumors are most common in children. Malignant tumors are usually named using the Latin or Greek root of the organ of origin as a prefix and the above category name as the suffix. For instance, a malignant tumor of the liver is called hepatocarcinoma; a malignant tumor of the fat cells is called liposarcoma. For common cancers, the English organ name is used. For instance, the most common type of breast cancer is called ductal carcinoma of the breast or mammary ductal carcinoma. Here, the adjective ductal refers to the appearance of the cancer under the microscope, resembling normal breast ducts. Benign tumors are named using -oma as a suffix with the organ name as the root. For instance, a benign tumor of the smooth muscle of the uterus is called leiomyoma (the common name of this frequent tumor is fibroid). However, some cancers also use this prefix for historical reasons, examples being melanoma and seminoma.


Cancer is a disease characterized by a population of cells that grow and divide without respect to normal limits, invade and destroy adjacent tissues, and may spread to distant anatomic sites through a process called metastasis. These malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited in their growth and do not invade or metastasize (although some benign tumor types are capable of becoming malignant). Cancer may affect people at all ages, but risk for the more common varieties tends to increase with age.[1] Cancer causes about 13% of all deaths.[2] Nearly all cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities may be due to the effects of carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agents. Other cancer-promoting genetic abnormalities may be randomly acquired through errors in DNA replication, or are inherited, and thus present in all cells from birth. Complex interactions between carcinogens and the host genome may explain why only some develop cancer after exposure to a known carcinogen. New aspects of the genetics of cancer pathogenesis, such as DNA methylation, and microRNAs are increasingly being recognized as important. Genetic abnormalities found in cancer typically affect two general classes of genes. Cancer-promoting oncogenes are often activated in cancer cells, giving those cells new properties, such as hyperactive growth and division, protection against programmed cell death, loss of respect for normal tissue boundaries, and the ability to become established in diverse tissue environments. Tumor suppressor genes are often inactivated in cancer cells, resulting in the loss of normal functions in those cells, such as accurate DNA replication, control over the cell cycle, orientation and adhesion within tissues, and interaction with protective cells of the immune system. Cancer is usually classified according to the tissue from which the cancerous cells originate, as well as the normal cell type they most resemble. These are location and histology, respectively. A definitive diagnosis usually requires the histologic examination of a tissue biopsy specimen by a pathologist, although the initial indication of malignancy can be symptoms or radiographic imaging abnormalities. Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location, and stage. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for different varieties of cancer. There has been significant progress in the development of targeted therapy drugs that act specifically on detectable molecular abnormalities in certain tumors, and which minimize damage to normal cells. The prognosis of cancer patients is most influenced by the type of cancer, as well as the stage, or extent of the disease. In addition, histologic grading and the presence of specific molecular markers can also be useful in establishing prognosis, as well as in determining individual treatments.

Clean a Mouse with White Paper for Smooth Cursor Movements

clean a laser mouse

An illustrated guide about cleaning a slow and sluggish mouse in 2 seconds with just a piece of white paper.

If you are using an external laser or optical mouse with your laptop or desktop computer, you probably know the problems that surface after using the mouse for couple of weeks - the mouse feels sticky or is hard to move especially when you are using it without the mouse pad, the pointer on the screen may not move smoothly with the mouse or jump.

Most of these mouse problem are because of the dust that sticks to the bottom of the mouse surface at points that are in constant touch with the table or the mouse pad - see the red arrows in the above picture - the white circles are actually made from accumulated dust that is disrupting the smooth movements of the mouse.

To solve this problem, hold the mouse over a piece of white paper and gently (but firmly) drag the mouse from the top edge of the paper to the bottom as shown in the picture below.

IMG_3260 IMG_3271

You will see a trail of grease like substance on the paper - you can also repeat the process sideways - just move the mouse on paper from left to right. You will enjoy using mouse once again.

The trick is illustrated using Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000 with Intellipoint software but should work just perfect with any mouse including those for the Mac.

The Next Generation Microsoft Office 12

Microsoft Office sales account for $11 billion of Microsoft's overall revenue of $40 billion. Little wonder, Microsoft Office is the cash cow of Redmond as it resulted in an operating income of nearly $8 billion. Despite these impressive numbers, Microsoft has struggled to give users a good reason to update from previous versions of Office. Microsoft claims to have 400 million Office users but a majority haven't even upgraded to the current version, Office 2003. To bring new Office users under its belt, Microsoft are playing a big risk - they have completely redesigned the user interface of Microsoft Office Vista from scratch. That's not all - the new Office 12 system automatically pops up what it thinks are the most relevant commands based on whether the user appears to be typing a list, editing someone else's work or performing some other job. Microsoft Word 2003 has more than 1,500 commands and 35 tool bars. Microsoft Word Vista won't have the legacy menu-bar. Instead, the menus have been replaced with 'Ribbons' or tab-like buttons. For instance, a click of the Write button will open and display buttons, bars and shortcuts pertinent to writing, such as font face, alignment, and line spacing. And if you upgrade to Office 12, you'll have to say permanent goodbye to the old Office UI’s look and feel. Microsoft says that don’t have a “classic mode.” And Mac Users are complaining that borrowed the Office 12 UI from Apple's Aqua interface. Whether the new design UI becomes a trendsetter or force people to stay from the new Office, only time can tell. But it would definitely require a learning curve for even old Office fans. And where are there no screenshots of Outlook 12 interface. Does the Outlook interface not follow the same theme as other Office 12 programs ? For Gates, Windows Vista and Office 12 are the fruition of five years' development work by Microsoft putting XML into the core of its architecture. Microsoft hopes the new features will entice users who have found it unwieldy to wade through the dozens of tool menus and other features packed into Office, the software suite that includes Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Excel. Microsoft Office 12 Official Information Watch the Microsoft Office 12 Video at Channel 9 Video Length: 00:41:47, Size: 618Mb Download Microsoft Office 12 presentations (PPT files from PDC 2005): Introduction to the Programmable Customization Model for the "Office 12" User Experience (Part 1) OFF201_Harris.ppt Developing with the Programmable Customization Model for the "Office 12" User Experience (Part 2) OFF302_Dhanjal.ppt Groove: Building Enterprise Workgroup Applications OFF303_Pyle.ppt Assembling, Repurposing and Manipulating Document Content Using the New Office File Format OFF304_Jones.ppt InfoPath 12: Creating Browser-Based Forms for Enabling Data and Application Integration OFF306_Bath.ppt Access 12: Developing Collaboration Solutions with "Access 12" and Windows SharePoint Services "v3" OFF307_Covington.ppt Project Server 12: Developing Project Management Solutions OFF311_Smail.ppt Outlook 12: Developing Solutions Using the Consolidated Outlook Object Model OFF312_Byrne.ppt Word 12: Integrating Business Data into Documents using XML-based Data/View Separation and Programmability OFF316_Davis.ppt Visio 12: Building Data Visualization Solutions OFF324_Morein.ppt

Microsoft Sparkle: Don't throw Flash away yet

Microsoft announced a new product called Expression Sparkle Interactive at PDC 2005 for creating Avalon user interfaces. Sparkle and the Windows Presentation Foundation together are seen as a Flash alternative and Adobe is already taking the Microsoft threat seriously. Sparkle draws much of its inspiration from Macromedia Flash like Timelines, Drawing Tools and Image support. And 3D drawing and animation is one area where Microsoft sparkle has an upper-hand over Macromedia Flash. Sparkle also gives developers the full breadth of programming languages such as C# to add interactivity to their solutions. But Sparkle is designed only to work with Windows Longhorn (read, Vista) which won't be available until late 2006. And it would take much greater time before people actually start buying Windows Vista. That gives Adobe-Macromedia enough time to improve Flash. The ubiquitous lightweight Flash player is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, handheld devices and cellular phones. And Flash Player is free while Sparkle would require users to upgrade to a completely new OS and even new hardware. Sparkle is a very promising technology but it will take years before we start seeing actual Sparkle applications. Till then, it's Flash all the way. If Adobe incroporates 3D features from Adobe After Effects into Macromedia Flash 9, Sparkle will find the going even tougher.

Google gives a fitting reply to Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban of Icerocket made the accusation that Blogger is by far the worst offender when it comes to Spam Blogs - He even warned of throwing all Google blogs off his Icerocket blog search engine. Google was very quick to react and released two new features to combat blog spam and comment spam. (Score - Mark 1, Google 0) Mark's warning to Google may have worked initially but Google had much bigger plans - Google Labs were secretly working on a another project Google Blog Search that could spell the untimely demise of Icerocket and other blog search engines. (Score - Mark 1, Google Wins) Google BlogSearch is still in beta but looks promising already. If your blog pings Weblogs.com or other services, you are automatically included in Google index. You can search for posts by individual authors, subscribe to result feeds and sort the results either by relevance or by date (excellent). has introduced four new search operators specific to blog search - inblogtitle, inposttitle, inpostauthor and blogurl. There are however a few things that could have been better in Google Blog search: 1. Only blog posts from May 2005 are in the Google index. 2. Technorati is faster in crawling new information 3. Technorati style Cosmos (citations) would be useful 4. If you don't publish site feeds, Google won't find you 5. The Related pages feature needs some fine tuning. 6. Google could include the Top 3 results of regular web search in the results. Time for Google is do all the talking. Update: Mark did respond to the threat from Google Blogsearch arguing that Google is good but Icerocket is better
Google is fast. But it becomes very slow when you have to go to jump between their front page advanced search page in order to date delimit your search. Google doesnt support Topics/Tags. Which means that when you do a search for a keyword and it returns 3k results today, well that same search might return 33k results next year at this time. Google has some nice search delimiters, but self inclusion in a topic by the author is probably the best. And when it comes to subscribing to RSS readers from google competitors like My Yahoo , Newsgator and MSN, icerocket makes it easy. Just click on the icon. Google makes it an ordeal.
For reasons known only to Mark, the post has been deleted from Mark's blog. You can still view Mark's reponse in Google's cache.

ISYS Desktop Search Software Review

ISYS Desktop Search Software Review

A Newspaper publisher has several years' worth of newspaper articles in more than 42,000 PDF files. And the company is relying on ISYS software for retrieving information from this vast repository of data (18 GB). The data retrieval is much faster than if they were searching and loading native PDF files. ISYS:Desktop is a comprehensive enterprise-ready desktop search application to search the contents of individual PCs, LANs and WANs. ISYS desktop search software is light-years ahead of competition with several ground-breaking features like Natural Language, Time limited searches, On-the-fly categorization and results clustering, excellent linguistic support, Result Filtering and a Knowledge Warehouse. The software is lightning fast, accurate, intelligent, easy-to-use and enterprise-ready. Highly recommended. ISYS Result WindowWhile most of the popular tools from MSN, Yahoo! and Google are struggling to find a place on the Enterprise desktops, ISYS already has thousands of clients including Law Enforcement agencies, Attorneys, Federal Government agencies and Financial institutions including Goldman Sachs and Australian Stock Exchange. ISYS:desktop 7 supports more than 30 foreign languages and 140 file formats, including Microsoft Office documents, Internet Cache (IE, Firefox, Netscape), PDF, Outlook PST, Flash (SWF), CHM, ASCII, ZIP, email, attachments, HTML, XML, IFilters, databases (RDBMS via ODBC) and more. You can view file contents even if you don’t have the original application in which the file was created. Documents are indexed at a speed of ~ 40 Mb/min. Menu Assisted Query in ISYS Desktop SearchISYS:Desktop provides a variety of search methods to quickly retrieve relevant information. The Menu-Assisted Query is like a visual guide for creating complex searches. Command Based and Web-Style Query enables you to construct Boolean searches, date specific, phrase searching and position specific searches. With Natural Language Query, users can phrase their searches in the form of a question. (remember AskJeeves). Search results are displayed in the ISYS:desktop window with a preview pane, and hit-to-hit navigation allows users to jump from one instance of a search term to another, eliminating the need for scrolling. You can attach Hyperlinks, Text notes or Graphical annotations to your indexed documents without modifying the original documents. ISYS:desktop automatically creates categories when indexing, based on metadata, folder names, database table names, and related attributes. Wizard approach for index creationCommon words (or stop words) like AND, THE, AT, IT which have little meaning are automatically excluded from the index. The Word Wheel feature ("sounds like" or "starts with") suggest spellings or existence of a word in your index. While searching HTML documents, you can view the source code or the rendered document side by side. ISYS allows you to define a Synonym ring containing words with a similar meaning. Say if you create a "Footwear" ring, a search for shoes or sandals will find all synonyms of Footwear. And the Intelligent Agent automatically tracks that meet a certain custom-defined criteria. (reminds me of Blinkx Smart Folder technology) ISYS Product screenshots. Download a 14 day trial. When you install ISYS, you must supply a valid full license code which must also be activated. ISYS Search software is also included in the "The 2005 Software 500" list released by the Software Magazine. The ranking is based on total worldwide software and service revenue for 2004. This includes revenues from software licenses, maintenance and support, training and software-related services and consulting. Dave Haucke of ISYS Search Software provided us a full copy of ISYS:Desktop 7 with ISYS:spider module for this review.

Google Adsense Adwords Keyword Arbitrage

How do you buy a camera ? Probably, you open google.com and type the camera model name. Google shows few thousands of pages which carry information on that camera model. Google also displays few camera related ads near the right scrollbar. If you click the sponsored ad, you are taken to the advertiser's homepage and in the process, Google gets richer by a few dollars. But online advertisers aren't complaining. You are in a "buying mood" and advertisers are willing to pay more to get higher ranking in the sponsored links. Indystar is reporting that Google and Yahoo see their revenue rise as the Internet clicks with advertisers.
If you type "e-mail marketing" into Google's search engine, Bronto Software appears under "sponsored links." Click on that link and the Durham, N.C., software company pays Google $6.50. Bronto spends up to $1,200 daily on Google ads but Bronto executives say it's a worthwhile investment. Bronto knows that 5% of Google searchers who click on a Bronto link seek more information about the company. And 5% of those folks become customers. Bronto has bids in on 800 key words and phrases - from a high of $6.50 per click to as low as $1.75 for "law firm marketing products."
Many ads, like Google's search ads, don't cost a dime until someone clicks them. And the Web enables companies to track how much time someone spends with an ad and how many viewers make a purchase. Also attractive to advertisers is that they can set their own price. Multiple companies can choose to run ads tied to the same key words. The more they pay, the higher they appear among the sponsored links.